Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Commodity is Dead

Thank you Jack Johnson. I wish I still lived next to you.

I stare at the box in front of me with peace boiling in my chest. It wants to explode and share itself with the world. And it will.

But through me. Later. It's mine for now.

What's the point of hatred? I feel contradictory because I hate the feeling. But I hate hating, so I still hate just like the rest of you. But I still love you. Every one of you.

Suppose that we all could understand eachother for one day? Could avoid the judgement and silence the whispers behind others backs that you know are being said about you and others? The girl's books just spread out over the floor. You know your hands will get stepped on if you help her, but because you'v already seen the smile on her face that warms the whole school you don't notice the pain or dirt that's on them.

We are all as lonely as we want to be. There's no use in stopping. But nobody ever told me not to.
Rise above the "rules". Not thinking if you're stupid for showing kindness. Just do it. Because being kind isn't stupid as you and I think. 

So what if she's got black hair? She's not depressed. In fact...I'm happier looking at her than I am at you. Let's go say hi.

He's dancing in the! I had no idea people could jump that high!
She's a genius. Could you help me with my math? You're into pokemon? Dude you just brought back half my childhood!

Who's to say whats impossible? We forgot the world keeps spinning, and I can feel a change in everything.

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