Friday, February 24, 2012

What If That's It...?

This is going to kindof tie into the post about fears. But mostly it's about life and death.

My one great fear is nothing worldy. Sure I hate bugs and spiders but I know deep down that I'm not truely afraid of them. What I'm truely and utterly afraid of is a little hard to comprehend for some people. It's a little hard to explain too, and to incorporate every factor that makes up this one fear would crash Therefore, I'm going to try and summarize...

The thing that I'm terrified of is dying, and that being the last thing that you will every experience or be concious about. Think about it: you're old, aging, hooked up to numerous wires to keep you alive in a hospital and being fed meals through a tube. You think about every experience that you've ever had; every joy, every disappointment, every friend and accomplishment that you;ve ever had. Your feelings, thoughts, and really everything around you are things you start to really pay attention to. You conciously think and perceive everything instead of doin things like an automated machine. The air is so clean, the blankets so warm and fuzzy, and then...darkness

But not even darkness. Just jothing. You died, and you know no more. you can't see darkness; you don't have eyes or a brain to tell you. You can't know, feel, or despair that you've in a void of non-existance becuase you life and conciousness are gone. Everything you once were is completely meaningless and the only way you exist in in the memories of others who have retained their lives.
You're put in the gournd, your eyes forever shut to the world of light, and the only thing that you get to do is exist as an empty shell of a corpse. But you don't know that, because there is no you anymore.

Your whole life has been dominated by the idea that there's always something else to do after you've finished with the present. College after High School. Career after college. Marriage after or during your career.
Their lives.
Death, Heaven, Forever...

Except that the last two are a joke.

Eternity for you is losing your soul and being transformed into a title that the world will either never know or forget when your peers enter the void.

I want the reader to look up after this paragraph and truely look, percieve, and appreciate your world through every sense. Don't look at a flower and think "Oh...a flower..." then continure walking down the street in the automatic state of living.

Look at, analyze, and think about everything about that flower. Forget about all social rules, deadlines, judgements, or things to do and make that flower your entire world. Make yourself a completely clean slate, and discover your love for everything in this world...

If you did this right, you should have realized that everything, especially your firend and people, are nothing short of miraculous. There is so much detail we ignore, so much hatred and fear that influences us, and so much love we suppress that we forget the beauty of this world.

Hate has its place in the world. As does love. But hate should take up so much of our time that we take for granted everything around us.

This world is real. Stop and smell the roses...